
This blog is the digital space where I reside online. This space is open to students, interested readers, and is a place where I share my adventures in reading, challenge the status quo, present ideas, and share new and captivating finds from the field of education and the wider world -- both on and offline.

I ask that if you have private questions to please email me at my University of Ottawa account rather than post here.


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Recap from the first class!

Thank you all for a great first class!
We gathered thoughts together about what comes to mind when you hear the word "writing."  Your responses were interesting and varied.  I have your ideas that we wrote on the board captured in the photos below.  Thank you for sharing your free writing!  I have shared my free-write below.

In-class free write - Linda Radford
What comes to mind when I hear the word writing?  Sheer fear of whether not I can get what is in my head onto the page in a way that is coherent, readable, proactive, interesting, and important.  Thus, in terms of putting words on the page, writing to me is a tall order that is accompanied by the anxiety of the work along with the delight of accomplishing what I set out to say.  The other thought that comes to mind about writing is about reading. The joy and benefit I receive from reading the word, or as Freire contends, the world. Through reading what is represented, I can read myself with and against different texts and gain a deeper knowledge of who I am and my work in education.

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