
This blog is the digital space where I reside online. This space is open to students, interested readers, and is a place where I share my adventures in reading, challenge the status quo, present ideas, and share new and captivating finds from the field of education and the wider world -- both on and offline.

I ask that if you have private questions to please email me at my University of Ottawa account rather than post here.


Saturday, 28 January 2017

Disney Confessions!

What does Disney have to do with education? Disney is one of the most commonplace "educators" of the youngest of children, the movies are an instantaneously recognizable form of public pedagogy (Giroux, 2004). In this recent work with Tasha Ausman, we explore what it at stake in the viewing and learning that takes place in relation to Disney and how pedagogies of affect and questions of what is at stake in our subjectivities through our attachments to Disney can be reproduced in the confessional and anonymous space of the Tumblr world. The feed entitled waltdisneyconfessions@tumblr is a "digital space that enacts a confessional curriculum of desire helping to reproduce Disney ideologies" (Sandlin & Garlen, 2016).

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